Alright alright, the Pabst Blue Ribbon shorts were rad, but Murray's done way radder things. Let's take a trip down Murray lane.
1. The time unexpectedly played bartender with the Wu-Tang Clan.
2. Oh, remember when he starred in Garfield? Like, right after Oscar darling Lost in Translation? Murray totally admitted that he only did it because he didn't realize it was directed by Joel Cohen. He thought it was acclaimed director Joel Coen. Wow. The logic running through Murray's mind to create that ridiculous mixup feels like drug-induced gold.
3. When he fought Chevy Chase.
4. The fact that he owns a minor-league baseball teams (because he's Bill friggin' Murray) and has appointed himself 'Director of Fun.'
5. Rocking the stockings off Christmas cards.
6. The time he joined a party of random karaokers just because they asked.
7. Playing kickball like a boss.
8. How about totally making an unknown kid's dream come true by playing golf with him?
9. Crashing a college party and doing the dishes.
10. Or, best of all, when he made out with a fan's nose. In front of her husband.
Bonus Bill Murray's awesome anecdote: that time he played himself in Zombieland.
Here's to you Bill—keep the good (weird) work up.
Image: Totes awesome. Courtesy of, Reddit